The Misconception ...Is to Clear it Out Quickly and Move Mail to Trash.
Better Answer: Use folders (for structure and search-ability), tags (for keywords or topics), and filters (to send unnecessary, or unwanted, junk mail to trash). All automatically. Yahoo accounts can use the "Not My Email" feature to send back email that have been received in error. This tool also trains your system not to except these messages. Outlook, right click, brings up "Schedule CleanUp" which lets the user delete old email from specific senders automatically.
Myth 2: eMail Aliases (and Different User Names)...
The Misconception ...Not Worth the Administrative Time Spent.
Better Answer: Difference email addresses can assist in filtering mail, especially junk mail. Use for retail giveaways, or instances where providing and email address for merchandise promotions or contests are involved. By grouping these emails, they can easily by deleted where no longer reverent. In addition, an aliases email address with the company name or product integrated can help with brand awareness.
Myth 3: Using a Single Strong Password Can Prevent Hacker's from Account Access. Best Practices indicate that- this is just the start for better security, but still very volubility. Using multiple passwords, and application specific, or randomly generated a string of numbers, charters, and letters a are superior approach. Use two-step verification if your device is compatible with this safeguard. This may involve calling your phone before access to email, on your desktop, is allowed.
Myth 4: Management of eMail is Best Preformed in Real Time.
On the contrary, some tools for best practices include "Boomerang" from Google - allows user to schedule a reply when convenient. An out-of-office reply can control messages when availability is challenged. Some email clients have a "snooze" feature to hide email.
Myth 5: There is Nothing to Stop Government, Institutions, or Industry Watch Dogs from Reading Your Private eMail.
This is Believed to be True. Big brother may be everywhere, but the user can make it harder for these high-powered hackers by employing a form of encryption. Consult your Internet provider, or email host, and learn about the encrypted security tools available.
Myth 6: Once an eMail is Sent...
The Misconception... It's Out There Forever.
Better Answer: Within 5 seconds that you sent an email from Google, you can unsent it. This is a feature enabled in Settings called "Undo Send". Similar tools are available with other email clients.
Resource Material: Popular Mechanics, and the Internet. All rights reserved.