Creating an online newsletter feed is relatively straightforward. To start, all that is needed is to select a targeted theme with a pinpointed topic. Next to do: Capture the content (the feeds); Employ a platform delivery scheme (an aggregator system); Send out (publish the news); Market with automated social media mentions; Dispatch email reminders; Provide a sign-up form, and; Build a database of subscribers or capture followers with “likes” for a constant renewable audience. Continued steps include monitoring and analysis.
The Fustino Brothers (FBI Apps) with InBusinessLinks Network (IBLN) discussed and highlighted specific examples of this topic. Plus, for the Week of Rock (WOR) fans, there was an entertaining, Springtime guitar lesson "Spring Rock."
To review the PowerPoint slide deck click/tap here. See the recorded video here. Enjoy. BTW: The next free webinar is scheduled for July 10, 2023. You can reserve you seat now at